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About Healing Heroes in the Heartland

Healing Heroes in the Heartland is a 501(c)(3) non for profit organization committed to providing holistic services to our heroes. Studies have shown that Chinese medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, life coaching, massage therapy and meditation help to overcome PTSD.

What is PTSD?

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) has been diagnosed in every  walk of life. Military combat, abuse, car accidents, kidnapping, and exposure to traumatic events can all cause PTSD. In fact, almost everyone has a few signs of PTSD. 

Fight or Flight Response

During a traumatic situation, anyone may experience "fight-or-flight" or acute stress syndrome. When a traumatic event occurs, the body's blood and  oxygen mainly flows to the muscles.  Hormones are released, the heart and the lung action accelerate, and a boost of energy occurs. Everyone has this experience and it is not a mental illness.  It is a normal reaction that sometimes becomes extreme and causes the person to need intervention to learn to handle such emotional overload. This is where Healing Heroes in the Heartland steps in to help.

Why is Healing Heroes in the Heartland needed?

We offer a variety of approaches to aid those who are suffering from PTSD. Our approach eases many of the common reasons why those suffering from the symptoms of PTSD/TBI are reluctant to seek help:

  1. Unable to find immediate assistance
  2. Fear of taking medication that may hinder work or the performance of daily activities
  3. Expenses incurred